All rehearsals and concerts are at Veterans Memorial and Civic Center, 7 Town Square, Lima, unless otherwise indicated.
Grand Series Dress:
Black tuxedo (no tails), black bow tie, shoes, and socks.
Long black dress with long sleeves.
Black dress pants/long black skirts with long sleeved black blouses or tops, black hose, socks, and shoes.
No glittery, low cut, or sleeveless attire.
Young People's Concert Dress:
Dark suits with regular ties or concert black.
Family Concert Dress: TBA
Lima City Taxes:
Musicians playing with the Lima Symphony Orchestra are liable to pay Lima city taxes on income earned with the LSO.
LSO Bad Weather Policy
In case of bad weather a decision will be made by 3:00 p.m. on the day of the rehearsal or performance if it is to be cancelled. If it is decided to cancel, the staff will call the out-of-town people. There will be one designated person in each town. There will be designated people in Lima to make the local calls. After 3:00 p.m., no matter what the weather is like, there will be a rehearsal. Come at your own risk. Call to find out what the weather is like in Lima and then decide if it is safe enough for you to leave your home.
Telephone: Maureen Case, Personnel Manager: (614) 325-5267 during season Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Parking: Parking for the orchestra is no longer available behind the Wingate hotel. Parking is available on the street (Spring, Elizabeth and Main Streets) or in the narrow lot on the southwest side of the Children Services bldg. that has a white fence in front, across from the Wingate lot.